Eneris Campaign Nominated for PR Wings Award!

The campaign “COVID and the Health and Safety Coalition for Residents, Industry, and Local Governments” prepared by Eneris Surowce has been nominated for an award in the PR Wings competition in the “Crisis Communication” category. The Coalition for the Safety of Municipal Service Workers (known as the Health and Safety Coalition) was established in March 2019 at the initiative of Eneris Surowce, which invited the Association of Municipal Economy Employers (ZPGO) to join the effort. 

The formation of the Coalition was in response to the low awareness of both the threats and ways to counteract them among all stakeholders: residents, the media, and companies in the waste management industry. The Coalition set itself the goal of increasing the safety of municipal service workers, providing Health and Safety support to companies and organizations lacking their own resources, and raising public awareness of threats and standards of conduct. 


The subsequent waves of COVID-19 quickly validated the actions taken, and joint efforts within the Health and Safety Coalition helped, among other things, to avoid problems with the collection of municipal waste during the pandemic. Municipal company workers were equipped with necessary personal protective equipment, trained to exercise special caution both in their daily duties and in everyday life. Special precautions were implemented in customer interactions, both in Customer Service Offices and in facilities where waste is delivered or processed. Daily disinfection of workplaces, whether it is a garbage truck driver’s cabin, sorting hall, or office, became common practice. 


One of the goals stated in the agreement is to establish an organization that guarantees the effective cooperation of deposit systems. This organization will serve an umbrella function, defining rules to ensure the safety and equal treatment of all stakeholders in the system. 


To ensure the effective implementation and operation of deposit systems in Poland, the operators declare further cooperation and open dialogue with the Minister of Climate and Environment, relevant public institutions, and other representing entities. 


The Health and Safety Coalition’s project, in response to the effects of COVID-19 in the waste management industry, has become a practical guide for many companies providing municipal services. These efforts are reflected in Eneris Surowce’s nomination for the PR Wings award for the best actions related to crisis communication. The aim of the PR Wings competition is to promote professional, ethical, and outstanding practices in the field of public relations and communication. The jury includes prominent specialists from leading Polish corporations, NGOs, new media and marketing experts, PR agency consultants, representatives of the PR academic community, and industry organizations.