Deposit System in the Polish Parliament: Eneris Representatives at the Subcommittee Meeting
The meeting was well-attended, highlighting its importance for the waste management system in Poland. It gathered all stakeholders: from the government side, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Anita Sowińska, numerous parliamentarians, and representatives of the waste management industry and social side.
Representing the Association of Employers of Industrial and Medical Waste Thermal Treatment Plants for Health and Environmental Protection, Przemysław Wojciechowski, a Board Member of Eneris Proeco, was present.
Participants focused on key issues in the system, which will come into effect in Poland on January 1, 2025. There is very little time left for its implementation. All parties agreed that the deposit system in Poland is necessary. However, the method of its implementation raises many doubts.
Representatives of the broad waste industry pointed out many ambiguities in the draft law, problems, and aspects to be clarified. They emphasized to the authorities that the deposit system should be preceded by the introduction of regulations in the area of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). The currently proposed solution will almost immediately likely result in increased waste fees paid by municipal residents.
Most organizations participating in the subcommittee were in favor of postponing the implementation of the deposit system. Only entities that are to operate the deposit system and non-governmental organizations supported its rapid introduction.
Minister Sowińska responded to the comments and proposals, indicating that the January 1, 2025 deadline for the introduction of the deposit system is final.