Our actions are based on recognized standards. We have been confirming our quality in relation to the environment for many years with our ISO 14001 certificate.
We have been confirming our quality in relation to the environment for many years with our ISO 14001 certificate.

We provide training and education for Eneris employees and other individuals influencing their safety in the area of occupational health and safety. We also offer additional medical care for our staff and promote a healthy lifestyle.
In our organization, we uphold a “Zero Accidents” culture, which requires shared responsibility for safety.

• We educate about waste sorting and circular economy to building awareness in all age groups – from pre-school children to adults living in the municipalities where we operate
• We support initiatives aimed at reducing the impact of human and industrial activities on the environment, as well as improving the condition of the local environment.
• We support initiatives aimed at integrating local communities, enabling better exchange of information and achieving synergy in the activities of individual NGOs, active activists and institutions.
• We listen to their needs and actively respond to them.
• We participate in local projects and even initiate some ourselves.
• Environmental protection is a top priority for us, along with fostering ecological awareness and spreading knowledge about waste segregation.

Each process adheres to the applicable procedures and instructions established based on a quality and environmental management system grounded in ISO standards
At Eneris, we place great importance on corporate governance and sustainable development, taking into account the expectations of all business stakeholders – from suppliers to customers, the natural environment, and society.
Our strategy is based on the pursuit of responsible and transparent management that harnesses the full potential inherent in our operations.